Apple Watch was introduced last September alongside the new Apple iPhone 6 duet. The long awaited smartwatch was demonstrated extensively but its release date was mentioned as just "early 2015". Well, as it seems the Apple Watch might not be coming as early in 2015 as we hoped.

The Senior Vice President of Apple Retail and Online Stores addressed the Apple's employees in a video message highlighting the upcoming holiday season, the following Chinese New Year, and then the spring release of the Apple Watch. Here is the important part of the video transcript.

As you can see Angela Ahrendts, the SVP of Apple Retail, is clearly pointing the spring season for the release of the Apple Watch. This means the gadget will kick off in late March or April in 2015.
So, if you hoped for an early release of the Apple Watch, we have to disappoint you. The cheapest version of the Watch will set you back $350, so at least you'll have some extra time to save some money for the model that suits you best.
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