According to a report published on Sunday, mass production of the sapphire screens expected on some of the new Apple iPhone 6 models, is expected to begin this month. A report that we passed along to you the other day, said that Apple plans on using the sapphire glass on more expensive variants of its 4.7 inch Apple iPhone 6, and 5.5 inch Apple iPhone 6L. This happens to confirm earlier information that we've told you about.
Back in June, brokerage giant J.P. Morgan passed along to its clients, a report stating that Apple might use sapphire glass on the 128GB version of the 4.7 inch Apple iPhone 6. KGI securities' Apple analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo, said earlier this year that the 64GB version of the 5.5 inch iPhone 6, would be the only model that could take advantage of the sapphire glass. Both comments indicate that less expensive models of the phone will be relying on Corning Gorilla Glass 3.
If Apple is going to use sapphire glass only on the priciest cuts of its meaty smartphone, it would also explain why a front panel, purportedly belonging to a 4.7 inch iPhone 6, was able to be scratched by sandpaper. Sapphire is one of the hardest materials on earth, surpassed only by diamonds, and should not receive a scratch from sandpaper. Early this year, we told you that Apple had received a patent for a process that cuts sapphire wafers, allowing the material to be used in consumer products.
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