Beauty Products

Thursday, February 22, 2018

I'm Feeling Fashionized



5 Details About Women's Fashion Every Lady Can NOT Ignore

Fashion for women can be a minefield of dilemmas…what to buy, what colors to choose, what styles, how to keep your clothes safe etc. There is so much information that it can be quite daunting. But with this simple guide, you will be able to get the most out of your closet going forward and look as stylish as if you just came off a high designer runway show!

Sound good?

The main thing to focus on when dressing in different seasons is to wear the colors of that season so that you will look en vogue and not out of place. Keep an eye on fashion websites like and to see which colors featured the most during fashion weeks. For example, burgundy was huge for the fall shows this year. So for winter, stick to rich, indulgent reds, browns and burgundy hues and you can’t go wrong. An elegant wrap dress in a beautiful deep color will not only look good but give you a fashion edge.

Being sexy is not something to be afraid of and women should feel comfortable about showing off a small part of their bodies. Have fun with fashion and stay feminine, you will feel so much better about your look, just remember that less is more and you can’t go wrong.

When you go shopping, why not experiment and bit more this season and step out of your comfort zone a bit. This doesn't have to be a drastic change, but you could try and add in some different elements to your look, like statement necklaces, higher heels, big belts etc. Always keep changing your style slightly as the seasons go by to avoid getting stuck in a style rut. By all means, choose the clothes that you feel best in, like a gorgeous sexy dress, fabulous on its own, but add in a little bit of extra fashion focus such as an eye catching belt and bag for others to hone in on and you will help to keep your look current and up to date.

Finally, look after the little things. For example, always remove labels from soles of shoes when you buy them…unsightly if left there for all to see. Cut off long labels and hanger loops from tops. There is nothing worse than seeing those loops hanging out over arms, they will complete ruin the look of any outfit. Only use wooden hangers to store your clothes, wire hangers will totally destroy the shape of garments and distort their line irreversibly. Wooden hangers are much kinder!

Look after you as well, if you have your nails manicured, hair styled and lovely, complimentary makeup applied, then your clothes will just be the cherry on top! Beauty comes from the inside out and if you feel good you will look even better.

Clothes are not something to be afraid of, but something to have fun with. Just by following a few simple rules you can get the most out of your closet and make sure that your first impressions last!

Improving your Appearance Self-Esteem


Identify the source of your lack of confidence. Figuring out why you lack confidence can help you target those feelings. Start writing a "self-esteem" journal, where you note when you feel more and less confident about the way you look. After a week or two, look back at your notes and try to find patterns to the way you feel.

Were you more confident in any of the following situations: after spending more time grooming or getting ready, if you dressed a certain way, spending time in smaller groups, spending time away from certain individuals, or spending less time on social media or looking at celebrity media?

Are there any "bigger" issues, such as your employment status or personal troubles that seem to trigger your feelings of low confidence? Some people turn this type of anxiety towards their self-perception, which may seem easier to deal with than the “bigger” problem of job security or personal problems.

If you don't see any patterns or you're still not sure what is causing your lack of confidence, you may want to try a number of different tips to find what seems to help the most.

Address your body image perception. Dr Vivian Diller has a number of different cognitive behavioural techniques for improving your confidence in your looks, which she calls “beauty self-esteem.” These techniques focus on evaluating the source of your self-esteem, questioning your negative opinion of your looks, and thinking about ways to think about your looks more positively.

Focus on sitting up straight with your chest pushed out while doing the following steps for maximum confidence.

Write down your positive attributes. Write the 3 things about your looks and the 3 things about your personality that you like the most. Place all 6 items in order of importance and write 1 sentence about each. For example, “I help others. I volunteer every week for a local charity and always call my friends back right away when they need to talk.”

Analyse your positive attributes. Notice where the physical features ranked relative to your personality features; most people rank personality features above physical features, which emphasizes not only that our self-esteem is influenced more about how we feel about our personality but also that others’ opinion of us is likely more influenced about personality too.

List your best features. Write down the 3 physical features that you think are most appealing to you, using a sentence to describe each one. For example, “My long curly hair - especially just after I leave the hair salon and looks so full and bouncy” or “My broad shoulders, especially when my girlfriend puts her head on my shoulder for comfort.”

This exercise shows that everyone has features they can be proud of. These features can be accentuated by clothing choice.

Look in the mirror. Look at yourself in the mirror and see what thoughts come into your head. Whose words are they,  your own or someone else’s? Whose words do they remind you of: a bully’s, a parent’s or a friend’s?

Question the accuracy of the words in your head: Are your muscles really smaller than most people’s? Are your hips really that big? Are you really that much taller than other people? Do any of those things really matter?

Think about how you would talk to a friend. How is it different than your self-talk, and how can you get yourself to think positively about yourself instead of using the critical or negative tone you likely used to begin with?

Find what you like about yourself in the mirror and from now on, whenever you look in the mirror, look at this attribute rather any perceived negative attributes you normally focus on.

Be sceptical of the media. Remember that the media portrayal of the body is designed to make you feel bad about yourself because that is what gets you to buy products and new clothes. Not only are the body images portrayed not average, they are often helped by digital enhancement using software like Adobe Photoshop. People who recognize this and are more media savvy often have better self-perceptions.

Work on positive re-framing. If you find yourself having negative thoughts about the way you look, stop yourself and re-frame it as something positive. For example, if you think your nose is too big, stop and remind yourself that you have a strong, unique profile. If you think you are overweight, think about your awesome curves and plan what lifestyle changes you can make.

Keep a confidence journal. Every night before you go to sleep, write down 3 positive things about yourself. Then in the morning, read them and add two more. It's okay to repeat what you have said before. The more positive self-thought you have, the better your overall self-esteem will become.

Seek counselling. If your negative self-perception persists, you may want to consider seeing a therapist. Your thoughts about the way you look may be related to deeper issues that you're not fully aware of, and counselling can help you have a healthier self-esteem in general.

Perfect Date Night Fashion for Valentine's Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s officially time to think about what you’re going to wear. It doesn’t matter if you are going out on a romantic date with bae or a cocktail night with friends, every trendy lady wants to score the perfect outfit. And if you are already panicking, no worries! There are still many chic ways to pull off an amazing look. If you’ve already scheduled a fancy dinner with your love, you have to look good and stand out in the crowd.

A chic dress should definitely be your first choice for date night. The options are literally endless as long as you keep an open mind. If you’ve been too busy to go shopping, there is still time to find something in your closet and make it look extra for the most romantic date of the year. This season is all about rocking statement pieces of clothing so vibrant cocktail dresses, embellished elegant dresses, and lace dresses will definitely do the job.

If you are opting for a more fashion-forward way to celebrate this holiday, you should definitely wear your favorite party dress. Each girl owns that special attention-grabbing party dress that stays put in the closet and waits for special occasions. This season embellishment is going to be huge, so feel free to flaunt sequins, beads, stones and even pearls. Sparkle is always welcome, especially for holidays like this one. Women tend to wear mostly red or pink for the most romantic day of the year. But there is no need for you to limit yourself to colors or shades. The thing is that 2018 will be the year of maximalist looks, so fashion will be all about experimenting and fierce appearances.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to wear a statement ensemble which will make your date stare in awe. So don’t ever miss the chance to flaunt something a little extra that you usually wouldn’t do on other days. When it comes to shoes, every trendy fashionista should own a pair of amazing sandals or stilettos. They will always make your appearance more powerful and feminine.

If you are flaunting a monochrome look or an elegant dress in black, you can spice it up by involving dazzling shoes. The best thing about simple outfits is that you can always upgrade them with great shoes and accessories. The weather might be a bit cold to wear sandals, but in the name of fashion sometimes you have to make a sacrifice. In most cases, stilettos will do the job. If you decide to wear a vibrant ensemble, then black, nude or white shoes might be the better choice.

To wrap it up, finish off your outfit with a matching coat. For the ladies opting to wear a cocktail dress, they can go with an elegant long coat. But if your choice is a fierce party dress, you can even rock it with a leather coat. A flattering hairstyle and amazing makeup look will only add more points to your perfect date night outfit.  

 Improving Your Quality of Life


Choose your friends wisely. Pay attention to your friends and how they make you feel. Surround yourself with people who don’t criticize or judge you because it can negatively affect your body image.
Friends can even help you work towards your health and fitness goals, which may help you, feel more confident in your looks as well. Find a gym partner or a hiking buddy.
Smile and laugh as much as possible. As easy and obvious as it sounds, smiling, even when you are forced to do it, can lower stress and make you feel better about yourself. Furthermore, people will see you as approachable and trusting.
Take a compliment. If you get a compliment, don’t deflect it, take it! If you are uncertain about your looks, it may feel awkward to get compliments and your anxious reaction might be to deflect or down-play the compliment. For example, if someone compliments your shirt, you might tell them it is a hand-me-down that you only wore because all of your other clothes are dirty. This is a reflection of your anxiety about your looks and can make both you and the person who complimented you uncomfortable. Instead, just say thank you and fully enjoy the compliment you earned.
Exercise regularly. Whether or not exercise actually changes your physical appearance, it can change your perception of yourself, which can lead to increased self-esteem. A national survey of physical activity and weight has shown that people who were not satisfied with their body size were less likely to be physically active, regardless of how much they actually weighed. This finding suggests that just being physically active can be related to a better self-image.
 The amount of exercise needs to be enough to give you a sense of accomplishment and needs to be regular, but does not need to be any specific type of exercise or be done for any specific amount of time.
Eat a healthy diet. Certain foods, such as those high in carbohydrates and sugar, can cause you to become sluggish and negatively affect your mood. Foods that can improve your mood are those that are low in fat and release their energy slowly. These foods give energy for sustained periods of time and do not carry the risk of weight gain, bloating, and irritability; they can also lead to stronger hair and nails, which can improve your overall self-image.
Avoid eating foods that are sugary, fried, or overly processed.
Eat more nuts and seeds, legumes, and fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly produce with vibrant, rich colours.
Remember that what people think of you doesn't matter a bit. The important is what you, and only you, think of yourself.
Saying positive and confident things aloud to yourself can help you feel more confident.
If people say mean things to you, remember that they are only showing the negative side of themselves, and their comment says more about them than about you.
Be true to yourself and find what makes you feel comfortable and confident.