Hello Elegant World, Welcome to another edition of the magazine that adds a little spice to your life
The quality of being physically attractive, the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or mind
Reveal Your Outer Beauty, Develop Your Inner Beauty
No matter who you are or where you've been, it's never too late to develop your inner-beauty and to bring beauty to the world around you. Being the best you can be outwardly is part of feeling beautiful. However, no one can beat the value of someone who is inwardly beautiful too. Read on to learn how to be beautiful in all senses of the word.
Reveal Your Outer Beauty
Have a beautiful body. You don't have to subsist on kale smoothies or run ten miles a day to have a beautiful body. Having a beautiful body means taking care of what you put into your body and paying attention to what your body does.
Get some exercise. Working out for just thirty minutes three times a week can work wonders on your body. You'd be surprised what doing some yoga, taking a daily walk, or going for a swim will do for your sense of well-being.
You can meet new friends in exercise classes, or have some much-needed reflection time during your walks or swims.
Also, your skin will have a healthy glow, and you'll exude a sense of vitality.
If you exercise the right amount, you will also feel happier and will have more energy.
Be a healthy eater. It's okay to splurge on your favourite foods once in a while, but it's important to maintain a healthy diet so your body can feel good on the inside as well as look great on the outside.
Eat three balanced meals a day. Many people skip meals because they think it'll help them lose weight, but this will actually make you cranky and tired.
Have a healthy serving of fruits and vegetables every day. Make sure to dip your hand into your fruit bowl a few times a day, and to eat your veggies with as many meals as possible.
Avoid foods that are overly-processed or fatty because they will make you feel tired and may hurt your digestive system.
Listen to your body. Part of having a beautiful body is not overdoing it when it comes to working out or eating right.
If you're feeling extra tired or thinking you're coming down with a cold, it's okay to skip the workout you had planned. You're better off taking a break than making yourself feel worse, which can prevent you from exercising for even longer.
If you're really craving an ice cream sundae, eat it. It's better for you than eating everything else in your fridge except the thing you really want. You should give in to your cravings--with moderation.
Though beauty isn't only skin deep, your skin is worth protecting. You will feel your best if your skin looks healthy and clean. Washing your face and using the right lotions and moisturizer can help you put your best face forward.
No matter what your skin tone, don't spend too much time in the sun. If you do get a lot of sun, then make sure that you wear a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher protection.
Even if you're out during a cloudy day, the sun may still be affecting your skin, so make sure to touch your face or look in a mirror to avoid unexpected sunburn.
Drink lots of water. Water hydrates your skin from within and will help to combat peeling and dryness. At least eight cups of water a day is recommended.
Wash your face in the morning and at night. If your skin is oily, then use a cleanser to keep your face acne-free. If your skin is dry, then use a gentler cleanser and be sure to moisturize.
Care for your lips. Wear lip balm, particularly in the winter. If you want a little colour along with protection, buy tinted lip balm.
Wear makeup if you have the time and if it makes you feel good. But if you do wear makeup, remember to remove it fully at the end of every day.
Proper hygiene is a must. Maintaining daily hygiene is a part of having a beautiful body. If you smell fresh and clean, you will be much more likely to make a good first impression.
Shower daily. This will keep your body smelling and looking fresh.
Wash your hair as often as you need to keep it from looking greasy.
Wear deodorant to avoid giving off an undesired smell.
Keep your feet and hands looking great. These parts of your body take a lot of abuse from simple daily living. Make sure that your skin stays moist and your nails stay groomed.
Protect your teeth. Not only do they give you a great smile, but they also keep you eating all of the foods that you love at any age. Brush your teeth every morning, every evening, and after every meal, if you can.
In addition to regular brushing and flossing, get a check-up at the dentist every 6 months. This will prevent any major issues that many arise with your pearly whites.
If you want to, try some teeth whitening solutions.
Pick a great hairstyle. Hair is your crowning glory. If you've got it, then style it in a way that flatters your face and choose a great colour if you don't like your own.
If you don't have much, either clip it short or get a great hat (or several hats) to communicate a message about your personal style.
Maintain healthy hair by brushing it every day, and getting a haircut at least every two months. This will go a long way in helping your hair look its best.
Choose a great wardrobe. Your wardrobe does not have to be expensive to be beautiful. It just has to showcase your style and flatter your body. Remember to choose quality over quantity.
Choose good fabrics and flattering colours that you can wash without dry cleaning. Instead of buying 2 cheap shirts that won't last very long, save your money to purchase a well-made shirt that can last for multiple seasons.
You can always find great brands and really unique pieces for less at consignment shops or thrift shops.
Know that you're timeless. Your beauty regimen will change over time as your body changes, but you're still you. You don't have to look the way you did when you were 25 to be beautiful. You just need to take good care of yourself and put your best foot forward every day.
Develop Your Inner Beauty
Develop Your Inner Beauty
Step 1:
Seek wisdom. People who cultivate inner wisdom and live their lives abiding by wise principles will radiate beauty and blessing to everyone around them. Wisdom can never fully be attained--it's a growing process, and there's always something more to learn.
Meditate or reflect on your actions. You can learn a lot if you take the time to do nothing but think, whether you're meditating, writing in a journal, or just admiring a beautiful view in a park.
Read the works of wise people. You can learn a lot from novelists, poets, or historians. Reading can help you gain knowledge and put your ideas into perspective.
Listen carefully to the ideas of people you genuinely respect. People who are working in a similar field as you, who are involved in healthy relationships, or simply have a lot of life experience can help inform your everyday life.
Be more cultured. Watching foreign films, learning a new language, or going to a museum once a month can help you gain an appreciation for how big the world is, and can make you wiser.
Step 2:
Be generous. You don't have to be wealthy to develop a generous spirit. Give something to charity on a regular basis, even if you can't give a lot.
If you can't give money or possessions, then give generously of your time. Open your home and share a meal, some tea, or a bottle of wine with friends.
The holidays are a great time to tap into the spirit of generosity. Visit an elderly neighbour or family member, buy gifts for someone who is less fortunate, or help prepare a holiday meal for someone who could use the company.
Step 3:
Look for spiritual truth. Maybe you are a devout follower of a religion. Or perhaps you don't believe in a specific deity, but you find great spiritual satisfaction in creating art or spending time in nature. You will starve your spiritual side if you focus too much on rules and dogma or if you only want scientific truth instead of spiritual truth.
Find a way to see yourself as part of something larger so that you can be more compassionate toward your fellow humans.
Traveling to new locations, or taking in remarkable views, can help you do this.
Step 4:
Let go of bad feelings. Your feelings are important because they tell you what you like and what you don't. However, if you hold on to bad feelings for a long time, they will poison your soul.
Control your emotions. If you're angry with someone, don't let it turn into bitterness or resentment. Go out into your backyard and scream, call a friend and vent, or take a kickboxing class to work it out. Then forgive, be the bigger person, and make smarter choices next time.
Get closure--if you really need it. If you want to share your feelings with someone who hurt you because you think it will resolve your conflict, then it's the right thing to do. However, if you just want to yell at someone, or to get a litany of complaints off your chest, you may be better off writing down your feelings. An unproductive or even a one-sided argument will only make you feel worse and will remind you of your negative feelings.
Step 5:
Be authentic. Say what you mean. Live life according to your values. State your opinion in a courteous way. Don't pretend to be someone else for someone else's imagined benefit. The world needs you, just as you are.
Be authentic--with caution. Part of being a beautiful person is knowing when you should hold your tongue. Here are some situations where it's better to not say what you mean:
If a loved one is having a particularly bad day, that is not the time to tell them about their flaws. Timing is everything if you want to share your opinions.
If someone is rude to you in public, there's no reason to fight back. Instead, be the bigger person and realize that that person is probably having a bad day.
Leave room for improvement. Though it's important to be yourself, it's equally important to recognize that we are all flawed beings and that you can always improve your character. Be aware of your flaws and accept constructive criticism.

Step 6:
Express gratitude. Whether you're grateful to a Higher Power, to your family and friends or to someone who's courteous to you at the market, take the time to say "thanks." Many people find that keeping a gratitude journal helps them to focus on what they have rather than on what they don't. Here are some other ways to express gratitude:
Send your close friends cards that tell them how much they mean to you. You can do this on a birthday or holiday, but your words may mean the most if you do it just because.
Give small and meaningful gifts. Even if you don't have a big budget, giving your friend the book of poetry she's been talking about, or even painting her a picture of your favourite place, can show how grateful you are.
Tell your loved ones how you feel. Tell your significant other, best friend, and family members that you love and appreciate them as often as you can.
Step 7:
Develop beautiful surroundings. You don't need a mansion or an elaborate country garden. However, your surroundings often reflect your inner state of being.
Less is more. Go through your clutter and throw away unwanted items. Give a room a fresh coat of paint, or buy a nice plant for your living space.
Fix up your place. Tackle that maintenance problem that you've been neglecting. Wherever you are, you can make your space your own.
Add a few plants to your life. If you have a balcony, a few plants can be a great addition, and may even help spice up your meals.
Remind yourself of what you love most. Hang up pictures of your loved ones, or your favourite places. You will always feel at home even if you're far away from some of your favourite people.
Step 8:
Maintain healthy relationships. Even if you don't have a million friends, having a strong support system is a key to being a beautiful person. It's important to maintain the relationships that will help you grow as a person.
Make time for old friends. Old friends have known you the longest, and can help remind you of where you came from, and how far you've travelled.
Develop new friendships. It's never too late to make a new friend, even if you're busy with work and family. You can learn something new, grow as a person, and have fun getting to know a new individual.
Stay in touch with your family. Make time to see your family as often as you can. If they are far away, make time for a phone call, or even write a letter.
Drop your unhealthy friendships. It's important to maintain your relationships, but if you find yourself in a friendship that is one-sided and just makes you feel bad about yourself, you should recognize that not every relationship is worth saving.
Step 9:
Get involved in your community. Do you feel passionately about helping the world to become a better place? Then find your own small corner and start doing something to participate. Here are some great ways to get involved:
Raise money for a local animal shelter.
Buy from local businesses. This will help your community thrive.
Go to a town or county festival. You will meet your fellow residents and will learn more about your surroundings.
Throw a block party for your neighbours.
Start a book club for your community.
Volunteer as a reading tutor at your local library or community centre. Teaching adults and children how to read will change their lives forever.
Remember that you have what the world needs. People with inner beauty don't hide it; they share it with others.

You aren't shallow if you want to focus on your outward looks as well as on inner beauty. Just make sure that you don't sacrifice one for the other.
Many people have flawed judgment and don't recognize beauty when they see it. They may say things that can hurt you, but don't let their ignorance ruin your happiness. Always remember that those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
Keep working on improvements and be more beautiful every day.
Make sure you get enough sleep. This will help avoid dark bags under the eyes
Beauty is as beauty does. If you treat other people badly, then no amount of physical attractiveness can make you beautiful.
Do you admire stylish people who always seem to look good in any outfit? Yes, the clothes may look great on their own, but the way you wear them is just as important. If you have a fabulous outfit but you look totally embarrassed, no one else will like it either. Wear the outfits that you create with pride and confidence, and your beauty and the beauty of your clothes will shine through! You will look fabulous
Take pride, Step 1.
Take pride in what you wear. Confidence is key if you want to look good in your clothing, no matter how old or boring it might be. You can look hot on even your worst days; you just need the right attitude!
Clear, Step 2 .
Clear your wardrobe of clothes that you haven't worn in over 6 months. Be ruthless! Leave newer items even if you don't like them, as you may find accessories to put together a great look. If your wardrobe has shrunk considerably, treat yourself to some new style!
When shopping, Step 3.
Wear gorgeous shoes. They should match your entire outfit, no exceptions. Or, they can give your outfit that little pop you need. The shoes and clothing should match, so if you're going with cute sweat pants, don't team them with formal high heels with it. Try a pair of comfy sneakers or cute flats!
Take, Step 4
Take on board criticism, provided it is constructive. If close friends pull you to one side and say something, then consider it advice to modify your look slightly. But remember, don't change what you love just to suit others; forget the insults because they're not worth your time!
Outfits, Step 5.
Outfits don't have to be highly priced or designer labels for you to feel confident. The hottest fashionistas will usually never be seen dead in clothes with brand logos splashed across them. If a piece is well tailored, attractive and suits you, then go for it, but don't pay a small fortune for something because it has a name on it, or even worse, because everyone else likes it! There's nothing worse than being a clone, it ruins your self-esteem and makes you completely forgettable.
Keep in mind, Step 6.
Keep in mind what looks good on your body. The hottest fashions may not be right for some, and style will always trump fashion. Dress for your body shape, but keep an eye out for clothes in fashion shoots, on the web and in magazines that you might like. Be adventurous!
Work, Step 7
Work out and eat right! When you work out your body releases endorphins which boost your mood immensely, making you feel much better about yourself and your image. The right foods can also do wonders for your skin and teeth, improving your overall look and self-confidence!
Don't look like you're trying too hard, be yourself.
Adding accessories always makes outfits cuter, and when added tastefully, can make an outfit whole.
accessories sometimes give the outfit the pop or buzz you might need if you think your outfit is boring!
Wear all your clothes, remembering to mix up everything in your wardrobe to make all sorts of combinations!
If you feel uncomfortable try something else, and if you need to start over than don't be afraid to find a whole new outfit.
When shopping for jewellery, buy several pairs of earrings or necklaces which can work on all style levels (casual, formal, etc.). Go for various colours, shapes and sizes to maximise or tone down the impact of an outfit.
Patterns should only mix if you combine a very small subtle pattern (like a pinstripe in a suit) with a larger one. The larger one will be the focal point of the outfit.
If you see something that you like being worn by someone else, then hunt out something similar and work it into one of your outfits! Take inspiration from anywhere: designers, celebrities, your friends, random people off the street!
Try mixing two colours that complement each other adding small bits and pieces to give your outfit a well-accomplished look.
How to Be Effortlessly Stylish
Three Parts: Picking Clothes, Dressing, Presentation
Everybody wants to know how to dress cute and look appropriate for whatever life brings, so if that's you then keep reading.
Part 1 of 3: Picking Clothes
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 1: Wear clothes that flatter your shape. The first thing to do to look effortlessly stylish is to make sure that you’re wearing clothes that are good for your body type. Since effortless style is supposed to be subtle, you’ll need your clothes fitting well in order to get the elegant, expensive look from your clothing. You want clothes that make you look thinner and the perfect height, with everything in proportion.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 2 :
Stick to classic cuts. Effortless style is mainly based around classic looks. Dressing for the trends just shows that you put way too much thought into that outfit and that you’ve been following fashion news like a broker watching stocks. Choose classic styles in classic cuts for a more effortless look that looks good for years.
This means women should beware of floor length casual dresses in favour of knee-length, for example, while men should shy away from skinny-legged suit trousers in favour of something more loose-fitting.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 3 :
Choose muted, neutral colours and bold accents. What colours are popular and what colours are considered absolutely hideous is very dependent on time and place. Just look at your mom’s clothes from the 1970s, for example. In order to look effortlessly stylish, you’re going to want a more timeless look, which means sticking to more muted and neutral colours. This can, however, be broken up with bold accent colours, especially on accessories.
Muted colours include tan, black, white, denim/navy blue, and grey.
Good accent colours include most shades of red, many shades of blue, plum/eggplant purple, golden yellow (like rubber ducks or tulips), and emerald green.
Be careful of certain colours. Be wary of other greens and yellows, and generally avoid oranges, as these colours are very prone to going in and out of fashion.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 4 :
Avoid busy prints and textures. Busy prints and textures (like fuzzy/fluffy/feathered fabric) can quickly make an outfit look dated and unstylish, as these tend to be in fashion only for a season or a year at most. Next year it will be another pattern, so why bother? Look effortlessly stylish by keeping your clothes in style across decades, not months.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 5 :
Buy strategically. To look really stylish, you want your clothes to look expensive. Now, you can make cheap clothes look expensive but investing in some actually expensive items might not be the worst idea. A few choice pieces of hard-to-fake luxury items, such as a nice sweater or wool coat, can really take your wardrobe up a notch. Having a limited number of nicer items is preferable to having a large number of very cheap-looking items.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 6 :
Create an interchangeable collection. If you really want to put the effortless into effortless style, you’ll want a wardrobe where nearly all of the pieces’ match with each other. This will let you get dressed based on comfort, style preference, or weather conditions, instead of being limited by colour or style combinations.
Use a single clothing style (vintage, modern, etc.) and the use a single colour palette (this should be helped if you followed our advice to use muted colours with limited bold accents).
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 7:
Take care of your clothes. Looking stylish means your clothes are going to have to look well maintained. No stains, no holes, no loose threads, no wrinkles. If you want your clothes to look maintained, then the best way to do that is to maintain them! Keep your clothes clean, fold and store them correctly, and do other basic maintenance as the needs arise.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 8:
Get items tailored. What you probably don’t realize about models and famous people is that part of the reason they look so stylish is because their clothes fit their body perfectly. And how do you get clothes to fit perfectly? Get a tailor of course! Find a reliable tailor in your area to alter your clothes perfectly for your body. Even some department stores will do this for you.
It’s not as expensive as it sounds. Tailoring a shirt often costs as little as $10-20, pants around $30.
It may seem like a silly added expense, but tailor a nice clothes once and keep them maintained and you’ll look amazing for the next ten years. It’s an investment.
Part 2 of 3: Dressing:
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 9 :
Keep it simple. Effortless style is all about looking like you (duh) put in no effort, so keep your outfits simple. Use a limited number of clothing and accessory pieces. This is especially important when it comes to accessories.
For example, don’t wear a scarf and bangles and big earrings and a hat. Try to limit yourself to two noticeable/accent accessories.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 10
Choose an outfit appropriate for the occasion. You’ll want to be wearing clothes that look stylish but are not too much for the occasion. Over-dressing is a sure sign that you put way too much thought and effort into how you’re dressed. Don’t wear a fancy dress for grocery shopping, and don’t wear a long gown when a cocktail dress will do, for example.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 11
Emphasize the accessories. Since your clothes themselves should generally be in muted, neutral colours, you’ll want to make your accessories your accent pieces. These should draw the attention and look extra cool. It is easier to have accessories that conform to the latest fashions and trends, so don’t worry about that as much (in this area, it’s usually okay).
For example, you could pair a floppy hat and patterned fashion scarf with a brown jacket, blue tee, white skinny jeans, and brown boots.
Another example would be to wear a black dress and pair it with red earrings and a bracelet.
Just make sure you keep your colour palette across the whole outfit. Accent accessories colours should generally be the same or complement each other.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 12
Don’t neglect the hair. You’ll want your hair to be stylish too. Keep it in a simple style or carefully created “tousled” look, but make sure that you are in fact creating the look. Your hair should look nice, even if it doesn’t look like you spent an hour getting it just right.
Avoid products to achieve a more natural look associated with effortless style. This means no gel or hairspray!
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 13
Use minimal makeup. Women should avoid using very noticeable makeup. Keep the colours natural, ladies, and get as close as you can to looking like you don’t have makeup on at all. You want to, of course, emphasize your best features and hide certain flaws but don’t go overboard.
Lips are an area of exception, as these can be a great way to add a little extra bang to an outfit by introducing bright colours, like a classic red.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 14
Keep lines and texture to a minimum. Mixing patterns well is incredibly difficult and will make you look more chaotic and less elegant. It’s okay to have one item in your outfit have a pattern or texture, but keep it limited to one.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 15
Avoid bulk. Keep layers to a minimum and avoid chunky items or other items that add a lot of bulk. These will make you appear chubbier and less streamlined and stylish. Oversized sweaters have a time and place, but tend to go in and out of fashion to a certain extent, so be careful.
Part 3 of 3: Presentation
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 16
Don’t neglect scent. While it may not be visually apparent, scent can go a long way towards developing how people perceive you. Smell nice by keeping yourself and your clothes clean, but also consider adding a perfume or cologne to your fashion line-up. Avoid young scents like fruity smells in favour of something more mature for a really classy touch.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 17
Have a signature style. Keep your clothes in a theme in order give yourself a signature style. This is a look that people will associate with you and will make you seem more stylish, even if they don’t necessarily like your clothes.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 18
Fit your look to you. The look you create for yourself should generally match who you are as a person. For example, a really sweet woman taking on a catty look will seem weird and out of place, the same as a serious businessman dressing in gangster style. Tailor your clothes to fit your personality and people will be much more inclined to see it as your style.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 19
Be confident. Do you ever feel like some models could wear a brown paper sack and still walk down a runway looking like the height of fashion? Do you know a guy who wears a tracksuit and still somehow manages to look totally fashionable? What the fashion industry doesn’t want you to know is that a lot of looking stylish really comes down to projecting confidence. You don’t have to actually be confident, of course, but if you walk down the street in clothes that you clearly think you look great in, people will usually be inclined to agree that (at a minimum) those clothes are perfect for you.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 20
Act like you don’t care. The effortless part of the stylish look should of course be presented by giving off an air that you don’t care, or that you just threw on the first outfit you could find. Be humble or indifferent when people compliment your clothes.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 21
Walk gracefully. In order to look stylish, you’re also going to want to look elegant and coordinated. This means not falling down if you’re wearing heels, ladies! Being graceful should be easier for guys, but is still important so don’t neglect it.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 22
Look comfortable, even when you’re not. Even if you’re wearing 4” stilettos, you need to look like it’s all perfectly natural and you’re perfectly comfortable. Don’t complain and constantly readjust your clothes. If that style isn’t working out for you, if you can’t seem casual in it, then try something that’s actually more comfortable. You can be comfortable and stylish.
Look Effortlessly Stylish Step 23
Relax. Again, effortless style is all about looking awesome while also looking like you didn’t try at all. Effortless, right? So relax. Take a generally chill attitude to everything in life. Always stay calm and happy, and you’ll look much better, no matter what you’re wearing.
Make with what you have; mix and match old clothes, or redesign and old pair of jeans
This one's from a girl just like you: it may be embarrassing, but thrift stores are a must. Aero, Hollister, and Abercrombie are all the same, and everyone wears them. Especially in wealthy areas, thrift stores can be really handy.
When you feel you need to update your wardrobe a little, look through your closet and try to find a way to wear something you already have differently instead of immediately going shopping.
Remember, following trends does not always make you stylish. True style depends on picking and choosing - You should wear what you think flatters you and suits your personality.
When you use necklaces and/or accessories, use them in colours that are in or go with your outfit!
Don't just go to Hollister and Abercrombie, because everyone else does. they are not the most original, and therefore do not always look effortless.
Read the fashion section of a variety of magazines, such as Cosmopolitan and Glamour for the gals, and GQ for the guys. Collect tips; pay attention to what you like and dislike.
You don't have to have clothes from all the newest or hottest designers. Look for the simpler pieces from lower end stores, like simple t-shirts and blouses, and then dress them up with the sometimes pricier accessories and/or jackets.
Never let the clothes wear you. Your personality is what should shine through, not the personality of your clothes!
Run to the bargain bin! You'll be surprised at what you'll find! Just because they're cheaper, does not necessarily mean they're unwearable! Also check out consignment stores and garage sales. You can find many cute, unique things for a fraction of their original price!
How to Buy the Right Outfit for You
Sometimes, when you’re at a store, you just can't decide on what to get. Whether you want to pick a certain style of clothes, need to know what matches, what to look for in new clothes, how to wear accessories, or choosing good shoes, it is all very easy to do.
Buy the Right Outfit for You Step 1:
Pick a style, any style! Before you actually buy clothes, think about if you want to have a style, such as girly, goth, sporty, or preppy. Do some research on the style, and then buy some comfortable clothes to fit the style? Make sure you buy some clothes in that style for formal and casual events. Also, think about whom you might see, what you might do, and where you might be. Don't buy something formal for a meeting at work, and don't buy everyday casual clothes for a wedding reception.
To match, or not to match? When you're at the store buying clothes, either buy a whole, matching outfit, or think about and make sure you have matching clothes at home. If you get home and find out you don't have anything to match it, it might mean another trip to the store to either return the clothing article, buy more clothes to match it, or have an unmatched outfit. If you're wondering about what matches, see the list for a couple of basic matches.
Buy the Right Outfit for You Step 2:
White and everything,
Denim and everything,
Black and everything (but navy blue),
Pink and black,
Yellow and green,
Blue and green,
Purple and blue,
Pink and purple,
Orange and yellow,
Red and orange,
Brown and green,
Buy the Right Outfit for You Step 3.:
Dress for...patterns! Instead of just basic pants and shirts with one colour, look for patterns like plaid, striped, polka dotted, Tie-dye, or just something other than basic colours. When you buy patterns, not only does it reduce the chances of someone having the same outfit as you, but it also gives your
look a new "bang"! The catch about patterns, though, is that they're harder to match. While white matches with everything, it gets boring after a while.
Buy the Right Outfit for You Step 4.:
Too close for discomfort. Before you cut the tag on anything you might wear, or if you want to wear something you haven't worn in a while, go through this checklist in your head.
Does it fit me correctly?
How often will I get a chance to wear this?
Do I like it?
Do I have anything to go with it?
Is it comfortable?
Buy the Right Outfit for You Step 5:
If the answer is no or not very often to any of those questions, reconsider getting or wearing the article of clothing. If it doesn't fit you correctly, it could take you months to grow in or out of it - and weeks for the fashions to change. If you won't get to wear it very often, you don't want to spend a lot on something you'll only wear once or twice a year. If you don't like it, don't get it! There's a great substitute out there for the article of clothing you bought but hate. If you don't have anything to wear with it, either take the article or clothing back, or buy some more clothes to go with it. If it's not comfortable, check how long you'd have to wear it. If it's a short amount of time, you may be able to wear it, but if it's a whole day, return it. After all, your clothes are going to be right against your skin for the whole day.
Buy the Right Outfit for You Step 6.:
Access the accessories. Clothes are great, but so are accessories! Wearing a bracelet, necklace, and a pair of earrings complete an outfit! Silver is a great colour for bracelets, necklaces and earrings if you have very different coloured outfits, as silver matches almost everything. But if you can, try to buy the same colour of necklace, bracelet, and earrings as the colour of your outfit. You can also get a coordinating colour, such as an orange bracelet for a yellow outfit as it might match some of your other outfits.
Buy the Right Outfit for You Step 7.:
Going to get some shoes on. When buying shoes, make sure they're the right type for your outfit. Don't buy high-heels for an everyday outfit. Tennis shoes or flats are better for that. You can also buy season-themed shoes; such as flip-flops for summer or boots for winter. After you've gotten your main type of shoe down, think of the colour of your outfit. Try to get the same colour of shoe as your outfit, or at least a coordinating colour. Make sure the shoes are your size, though.
Staying in touch with the latest fashions helps you choose outfits at stores.
Buy certain magazines for jewellery, clothes, and shoes. They not only let you buy clothes without leaving your house, but they also let you see the latest fashions.
You don't always have to match- make sure you don't clash by wearing too much of the same colour, especially with jewellery. Avoid brightly coloured jewellery-it looks trashy.
If you don't want a common style like goth, prep, sport, or girly, you can try to dress like a famous person, a role model, or only wear a certain stores clothes
If you want your ears pierced, you can go to your doctor.
It helps to memorize the size of shoe you are so you can shop for shoes online, and you can just find shoes in the store without having someone take your
How to Decide What to Wear: We wore what
Five Methods: Decide on the Impression You Want to Give Know What the Dress Code Is Check the Weather Before You Pick Out an Outfit Choose an Outfit that Flatters your Figure Accessorize Accordingly
Deciding what to wear can sometimes be the most stressful part of your outing. Feeling good about what you’re wearing and looking appropriate in it is very important, since clothes can tell a lot about a person before they even open their mouth.
Method 1 of 5: Decide on the Impression You Want to Give
Clothing can tell a lot about a person, and you want to make sure they complement you. Follow the dress code and make sure your clothing fits properly, especially around the neckline, as your face is often the area of your body people look to first.
Decide What to Wear Step 1.
Dress to look professional.
For this look, more conservative attire is required, so if you’re a man, dress in a business suit, collared or button up shirt, and nice shoes.
A nice dress, higher necklines and longer hems create the professional look for women.
Accessories like a necktie or khakis may be appropriate, depending on your office environment. Keep accessories, such as jewellery, minimal and conservative.
Decide What to Wear Step 2.
Dress to fit into a casual setting. A casual look can mean a lot of things; most often what comes to mind are jeans or khakis, paired with any top, including a T-shirt, as long as it looks polished. Here, your personal style can come out more, and you can accessorize freely.
Choose a Red Dress Step 3.
Dress up to create a made-up look. For a night out, such as a date or a party, a more formal or dressy look is appropriate.
For men, nice slacks, a button-up shirt, and a blazer make for a great dressed up look.
For women, a dress or pants and a fun top, combined with great accessories can create a dressed up look.
For this look, your personal style can really come out. To jazz up a look or take it from day to night, add some fun jewellery and fancier shoes.
Method 2 of 5: Know What the Dress Code Is
Whether you are going to a birthday party, a luncheon, a black tie event, or simply just to work, always know what is appropriate. You don’t want to be that person who shows up to a cocktail party in their jeans, or to an all-white-themed party in black.
Decide What to Wear Step 4.
Find out what the dress code is for the party you’ve been invited to. If you’re planning on attending a party, there may be a certain dress code required. Make sure to read the invitation carefully, or ask the hostess what is appropriate to wear if there is no attire specified on your invite.
Decide What to Wear Step 5.
Pick appropriate clothes to wear to the office. The place you work may have certain standards; make sure your work wardrobe reflects the style and atmosphere of your office.
Method 3 of 5: Check the Weather Before You Pick Out an Outfit
This may not seem like an important step, but knowing the weather forecast is essential in understanding how to dress. Knowing the outside conditions makes deciding what to wear easier and ensures you look appropriate, regardless of the time of day.
Decide What to Wear Step 6.
Wear layers if the event in question takes place over a longer period of time or if you don’t know what the temperature will be at the venue. Dress in layers so you can remove or add on clothes, depending on the temperature.
Decide What to Wear Step 7.
If it is raining or snowing, make sure to have the appropriate shoes and outerwear.
Snow boots are an essential item in your wardrobe if you live in an area that gets snow, and rubber shoes or rain boots are a very useful item to wear when it rains.
A waterproof jacket works for light snow or rain, and a heavier overcoat is often needed when it is snowing heavily.
When you leave for the day, check to see if rain or snow is in the forecast so you can know whether to bring an umbrella with you to ensure you don’t get caught off guard. If you like accessorizing, have a few umbrellas in different colours on hand to pair with your outfits.
Decide What to Wear Step 8.
If the weather is hot or humid, wear natural fabrics such as cotton, silk, or linen. Synthetic fabrics such as polyester or rayon don’t breathe the way natural fabrics do, and tend to trap heat and make you hotter. Natural fabrics allow wind to pass through, and heat to evaporate.
Method 4 of 5: Choose an Outfit that Flatters your Figure
This goes along with making sure the clothing fits. Know what is right for your body type, and dress to enhance rather than to conceal.
Decide What to Wear Step 9.
Figure out what body shape you have. This is the first step toward determining what looks best for your shape. Some trial and error may be required at first, and everyone is a little different. You may also find that over time, your body changes, so the best piece of advice to keep in mind is to be patient with yourself as you work through this stage in the process.
Decide What to Wear Step 10.
For women, choose the appropriate length of the skirt hem so as to not show too much leg, which can quickly become inappropriate. Make sure your neckline is high enough to be considered appropriate but if you want to detract from your neck, adding a longer necklace can help attract attention to more flattering aspects of your ensemble.
Decide What to Wear Step 11.
For both men and women, have clothing tailored or hemmed to the correct fit or length, if necessary. Ill-fitting clothing looks unprofessional and sloppy. Clothing that fits well is not too loose nor is it too tight. Some stores even provide free tailoring on the items you purchase from them, so it’s worth asking!
Method 5 of 5: Accessorize Accordingly,
Once you have your outfit selected, accessorize to show your personal style. There are no cardinal rules of accessorizing, so just use your best judgment.
Decide What to Wear Step 12.
Wear a belt to accentuate and define the waistline.
A skinny belt gives the illusion of a smaller waist and is recommended for those with larger midsections. For A-line cuts, wearing the belt a bit higher than your waist will also work and can even draw more attention to the slimmest part of your torso.
A wide belt will work best on slim waists or if worn around the hips.
Decide What to Wear Step 13.
For women, to jazz up an outfit, add a piece of jewellery such as a fun cocktail ring, bold necklace, thick bangles or a classic brooch.
Decide What to Wear Step 14.
For men, experiment with your accessories such as ties, socks, belts and cufflinks.
Wear different colours and textures of ties and be open to experimenting with different widths and knots as well. Patterns are also something you can experiment with by playing around with pairing different shirt, tie and jacket patterns to create individual looks.
Fun socks can add character to an outfit.
Although black and brown belts are traditional options for men, think about experimenting with fabrics and colours to make an outfit standout.
Cufflinks aren’t for every man, nor are they for every occasion, but if your lifestyle lends itself to this signature accessory, you have a great deal of options from which to choose to add distinct accents to your outfits.
Always wear something in which you feel comfortable; if you are uncomfortable, it will show.
Never dress in old clothes because they can sometimes become a bit smelly!
Choosing the right shoes is extremely important; make sure to consider the nature and length of the event you’re planning to attend. Wearing 5” stilettos can seem fun at the outset, but after a few hours at work, you may regret it.